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  • wallisevents

Venues - the aftermath of covid

Coming back to events last year was a daunting and scary task, we felt that everything had changed and there wasn't going to be the same people and places we were used to. Navigating 2022 was hard as the majority of us felt BUT and it is a big but, there also felt to be a lot more optimism in the air. New venues opened, coffee shops bustling again, people who had trained to be florists prior to the pandemic had hung up their commuting boots and started a business. The air felt brighter and with that came a whole new batch of people keen to work with us.

We were very lucky to be invited to some of these gorgeous new openings of venues which now we can offer out to people who work with us.

2023 is already looking like a bright and fruitful year and we can't wait to be a part of it.

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